Tazkiyatun Nafs

Rasulullah SAW bersabda bermaksud:

Sesungguhnya Allah memiliki seratus rahmat, Dia menurunkan satu rahmat daripada-Nya untuk manusia, jin, serangga dan binatang.
Dengan satu rahmat itu mereka saling berkasih sayang.

Dengan satu rahmat itu binatang buas mengasihi anaknya.

Dia menangguhkan lagi kurniaan sembilan puluh sembilan rahmat, dengan itu Dia akan merahmati hamba-Nya pada hari kiamat.

(Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dear Future Husband,♥

Ya Allah bless the believing righteous women with believing righteous husbands and bless the believing righteous men with believing righteous wives." 

Dear Future Husband,

I will cook. I will clean. I will shop. I will be the best housewife, ever, insya'Allah.
I will dress up for you, I will maintain my appearance for you. I will make sure to be the best wife I can be, insya'Allah.
I will have as many children as you want. I will raise your children to be the best they can be. I will be the best mother, insha'Allah.
As long as you promise me one thing, help me get to jannah. 

What I want also in my Husband..............

I want him running down to the Masjid if he heard the call to prayer.
I want him to surprise me one day to a trip like no other a trip to Masjid Al Haram.
I want him to wake me up at night .. to stand in front of Allah the Merciful.
I want him never miss the Fajir prayer and wakes me up to it and be the best of helpers.
I want his face to be illuminated by faith.
I want him holding on to the modesty, such as My beloved Messenger Al Mustafa.
I want him in time of anger be patient and if he got mad at me, Our day will not pass until everything will be pass with it.
I want my heart is worth dedicate it to him only, not before him or after him any person.
I want him someday to whisper in my ears and say "I Love you O' My Most prettiest woman in the whole world".
I want him to be my companion in Upper Paradise with the Lord of the high throne..
Ya Allah bless the believing righteous women with believing righteous husbands and bless the believing righteous men with believing righteous wives."

With Love,

me,-a.k.a syauqatuliman

sama-sama kita cube,,ingtkan sy juga saat saya alpa,,,kerana hati kita akn bersatu saat kite mnagingati yg SATU!